Key Issue: Interpretation of Rules for Renewed Appeals and Amendment of Grounds Under Extradition Act 2003

Citation: [2024] EWHC 603 (Admin)
Judgment on


The case of Octavian Radu v The Vaslui Court of Law, Romania, adjudicated by the High Court of Justice in the UK, addresses significant procedural issues surrounding appeals under the Extradition Act 2003. The decision, handed down by Mr Justice Swift, offers insight into the proper interpretation of rules relating to renewed applications for permission to appeal, amendment of grounds of appeal, and the requirements for particulars of conviction within an extradition warrant.

Key Facts

Octavian Radu sought to appeal an extradition order to Romania, stemming from a conviction warrant issued for drug offenses entailing a merged sentence. The grounds for opposing extradition included alleged oppression due to the passage of time under section 14 of the 2003 Act and potential infringement of Mr Radu’s Article 8 rights. The District Judge rejected these grounds, prompting Mr Radu to apply for permission to appeal. Subsequently, amended grounds of appeal were filed late and were not accepted by Lane J, who thereafter refused permission to appeal entirely. Mr Radu then filed a renewal notice, abandoning previous grounds and citing a new argument under section 2(6)(b) of the 2003 Act, concerning the particulars of his conviction. The case presents an examination of proper procedure in the renewal and amendment of appeals and the requisite details in a conviction warrant under the Extradition Act 2003.

The analysis of the legal principles in this case focuses on the interpretation of the Criminal Procedure Rules (Crim PR) and their application to renewed appeals, amending appeal notices, and the content of extradition warrants.

Renewed Appeals

The court clarified that, according to Crim PR 50.22, a notice of renewal must explain the grounds for renewal, which can include grounds not previously pleaded. Importantly, Mr Justice Swift determined that a renewed application need not be limited to the original grounds of appeal and may introduce new arguments.

Amendment of Appeals

The judgement distinguishes between Crim PR 50.20(5), which provides a right to amend appeal notices within a stipulated timeframe, and Crim PR 50.17(6)(b), which more generally allows for the court to permit variations or supplements to any notice. The court concluded that the general power to permit amendments to notices of appeal lies in Crim PR 50.17(6)(b), rather than Crim PR 50.20(5) being an exclusive avenue for amendments.

Particulars of Conviction

The case references Collins J’s remarks in King v France [2015] EWHC 3670 (Admin) to expound on what constitutes sufficient “particulars of the conviction” under section 2(6)(b) of the 2003 Act. Mr Justice Swift reasoned that there is no absolute measure for the details required in a conviction warrant, and that these should be considered in context on a case-by-case basis. The particulars must be sufficient for a fair assessment of the gravity of the offense and to determine whether extradition is proportionate under Article 8.


The court found that the renewal application was appropriately made but declined both the application for permission to amend and for permission to appeal. It held that the information in Mr Radu’s arrest warrant was adequate for purposes of section 2 of the 2003 Act, thereby fulfilling the requirements for the particulars of the conviction.


This analysis of Octavian Radu v The Vaslui Court of Law, Romania, underscores the court’s latitude in considering fresh grounds of appeal during a renewal application, and the flexibility allowed in amending notices of appeal. It also confirms that particulars of the conviction in an extradition warrant must meet a contextual standard of sufficiency. These legal principles directly benefit the goal of clarity and judicial efficiency within the appeals process under the Extradition Act 2003, serving as important precedent for future cases concerning appeals against extradition orders.