High Court Rules on Liability for Previous Costs Orders and Classification of Assets in Estate Administration

Citation: [2024] EWHC 6 (Ch)
Judgment on


In the case of Sharas Alexander Changizi v Robin Donal Mayes & Anor, the English High Court examined several key legal issues pertaining to the administration of an estate. The matter hinged on the claimant’s liability for previous costs orders, the classification of assets upon sale, and the overarching principles of abuse of process and the inherent jurisdiction of the court to ensure fairness between parties in litigation.

Key Facts

The case arose from the administration of the late Parviz Changizi’s estate. At his death, Mr. Changizi, an Iranian by origin who later became a Spanish national, held properties in England. His will dictated that his estate in England be divided among his widow and children. Sharas, one of the children, sought disclosure of documents from the executors to possibly bring a claim of breach of trust or devastavit (waste of estate assets).

Previous litigation related to the validity of Mr. Changizi’s will and execution of trust led to significant costs being awarded against Sharas, which remained unpaid. In the present case, the defendants applied to stay the claim until those costs were paid, arguing that Sharas’s continued litigation constituted abuse of the court’s process.

Central to the judgment are several legal principles:

Trusts and Estates

  • Assets involved in the case included English immovable property, which upon sale, became a point of contention regarding whether they remain governed by English law or fall under the Spanish rules of succession. The court affirmed that English land is characterized as immovable for succession purposes and remains so for the purpose of administration, even after sale.

Abuse of Court’s Process

  • English courts maintain inherent jurisdiction to stay proceedings when a claimant has not paid costs ordered in previous related litigation, as per cases such as Sinclair v British Telecommunications plc [2000] and Investment Invoice Financing Ltd v Limehouse Board Mills Ltd [2006]. It’s considered to be an abuse of the court’s process to bring a new claim without satisfying prior cost orders, as that imposes an unjust burden on the defendant.

Stifling of Claims

  • In situations where imposing costs could prevent a claim from proceeding (stifling the claim), the court must consider the claimant’s ability to pay. However, the claimant bears the burden of proof to demonstrate that a stay would stifle the claim. The court concluded that Sharas had not made sufficient efforts to pay previous costs and had not provided transparent financial disclosures, thus not meeting this burden.

Inheritance Tax Liability and Estate Debts

  • The court considered the issue of whether Sharas was liable for Inheritance Tax on a Potentially Exempt Transfer from his father and the subsequent tax’s secondary liability falling on the executors. It was determined that Sharas was indeed liable to reimburse the estate for the tax and interest paid on his behalf.


The Court ordered a stay of Sharas’s claim for disclosure until he pays the outstanding costs orders totaling £115,959.22. Due to Sharas’s failure to provide sufficient evidence that enforcing the stay would stifle his claim, the judge found no reason to waive compliance with the previous costs orders. Furthermore, the claim put forward by Sharas was dismissed on the grounds that his potential share of the English estate would not yield enough to cover the unpaid costs, given his debt to the estate.


The judgment in Sharas Alexander Changizi v Robin Donal Mayes & Anor reinforces the principle that litigants must respect and fulfill the court’s decisions, especially regarding costs orders, to prevent abuse of the court’s process. The High Court demonstrated that it would not allow claimants to circumvent their financial responsibilities from previous litigation or engage in litigation tactics that unduly burden the defendants. Furthermore, this case confirmed that the nature of the property for succession purposes is defined at the time of death, an interpretation that ensures clarity and certainty in estate administration.