High Court Clarifies Amendment of Claim Forms and Extension of Time in Tintometer & Anor Case

Citation: [2024] EWHC 370 (Ch)
Judgment on


In the case of The Tintometer Limited & Anor v Pitmans (a firm) & Anor [2024] EWHC 370 (Ch), the High Court of Justice dealt with several technical and procedural issues regarding the amendment of claim forms, extension of time for service, and the application of rules under the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR). This case serves as an insightful exploration of the circumstances under which parties may amend claim forms to rectify mistakes related to the identity of defendants, and the implications such actions have within the constraints of limitation periods.

Key Facts

The claimants, The Tintometer Limited and Winterbourne Trustee Services Limited, sought damages for allegedly negligent legal advice related to a pension scheme amendment. The initial claim named Adcamp LLP as the defendant, under the assumption that it was the legal entity which provided the disputed advice in 2008 and 2009. After a series of events including extensions of time for service of the claim form and the dissolution and subsequent restoration of Adcamp, the claimants later realised that the correct defendant was in fact the traditional unincorporated partnership known as Pitmans or Pitmans Solicitors. This led to the amendment of the claim form to substitute Pitmans as a defendant.

Jurisdiction and Procedure under CPR:

The court analysed the procedure for disputing jurisdiction under CPR r. 11 and rectifying procedural errors under CPR r. 3.10. This formed a basis to grant relief from errors not contesting jurisdiction in the strike out application and acknowledgment of service, thus not rendering the application invalid.

Extensions of Time under CPR:

The case involved interpretations of CPR rr. 7.5, 7.6, and the principle established under PD 7A for extensions of time for service of claim forms. A key consideration was the validity of a chain of orders extending time, and whether such extensions were compliant with the applicable rules when made in light of agreements under CPR r. 2.11.

Amendments of Claim Forms under CPR:

CPR r. 17.1(1), r. 17.2, and r. 19.6 were pivotal in determining whether the amendment to the claim form substituting Pitmans as a defendant was permissible post the expiry of the relevant limitation period. The principles from Insight Group v Kingston Smith and American Leisure v Olswang were applied to assess whether the mistake in naming the LLP rather than the partnership was a genuine error warranting the substitution of parties.


  1. The claim against Adcamp was not opposed by the claimants and was struck out.
  2. Jurisdictional issues arising from failures to dispute jurisdiction in the acknowledgment of service and strike out application were corrected under r. 3.10.
  3. The claims that Pitmans could set aside orders extending the time made before it became a party were dismissed. Pitmans was not granted standing under r. 3.3(5) to set aside the orders.
  4. The substantive challenges to the February 2022 and August 2023 extension orders would have been rejected, as the court found that the orders were properly made upon examination of the merits.
  5. The defendants’ application under CPR r. 17.2 to disallow the amendment substituting Pitmans as a defendant was rejected. The substitution was maintained, with the court finding no substantial prejudice to the newly substituted defendant.


The case culminates in a robust delineation of procedural stipulations under the CPR, reaffirming the mechanisms for correcting misidentifications of legal entities in claim forms post-issuance. The judgment emphasizes that genuine mistakes in the identity of defendants can be rectified under certain conditions, ensuring that claims are resolved on their merits rather than dismissed on technicalities. Tintometer & Anor establishes key precedents on the interplay between time extensions, jurisdictional challenges, and amendments to claim proceedings, and underscores the importance of diligent litigation conduct and rapid corrective measures when faced with procedural missteps.