High Court Grapples with Trust Fund Dispute in Infinity Treasures v Global Currency Case

Citation: [2023] EWHC 2945 (Comm)
Judgment on


The High Court of Justice in the case of Infinity Treasures Pte Ltd v Global Currency Exchange Network Limited [2023] EWHC 2945 (Comm) engaged with a complex matrix of financial transactions, trust law, and stakeholder applications. The presiding judge, Mr Justice Foxton, is tasked with untangling the web of investments and determining the rightful claimants to a disputed fund held by Global Currency Exchange Network Limited (Global Currency). The overarching legal principles revolve around compliance with court orders, the proper application of trust funds, and the equitable resolution of competing claims.

Key Facts

Infinity Treasures Pte Ltd (Infinity Treasures), a Singapore-based company, initiated a claim against Global Currency for payment relating to a bank account purportedly containing commission payments earned by Infinity Treasures for the marketing of financial products. Global Currency, which provided remittance and payment services, admitted to opening an account on Infinity Treasures’ instructions but contested the purpose solely being for receiving commission payments.

This account, amidst scrutiny, led Global Currency to interplead, questioning the legality of the instructions received from the special purpose vehicles (SPVs). With numerous investors potentially laying claims to the fund, a stakeholder application ensued, identifying 925 investors potentially affected. The culmination of the proceedings saw 1228 persons served, defining the scope for potential claim assessment.

Trust and Escrow

Central to the complexity of the case are the principles underpinning trust law and the proper use of escrow accounts. It was discerned that investor funds received by Global Currency were held on trust and should have been appropriated strictly for investment purposes or payment to investors according to the predefined agreements. Any deviation from these obligations, such as the payment of commissions to Infinity Treasures, warranted skeptical review as it contravened the escrow assembly and trust obligations tied to the investments.

Compliance with Court Orders

The legal requirement of compliance with the court orders issued was a significant filter for the recognition of claimants. Those who failed to file a proper witness statement with a statement of truth as per the court’s directives were not acknowledged as claimants. This criterion upheld the standard of procedural integrity and evidentiary rigour required for credible claim establishment.

Equitable Distribution

The judge assessed the claims of eligible investors equitably, considering the timeframe of investments and when defaults occurred in the underlying financial products. The various investment cycles of the Exit Strategy (ESC) and Rebuilding America (RBA) highlighted a critical period wherein the defaults seemingly began and funds arguably formed part of the disputed fund.


Mr Justice Foxton decided that Infinity Treasures did not possess a valid claim over the fund as the monies were not intended for commission purposes but held in trust for investors. Furthermore, the legitimacy of the claims of the eligible investors was gauged based on the documentation they provided and the timing of their investments relative to known defaults.

No claims were recognized for investors who failed to provide necessary documentation or who invested outside the pertinent timeframe. Each eligible and established claimant would be entitled to a proportion of the fund corresponding to their determined share. Notably, Global Currency’s request for costs to be paid from the fund was provisionally denied on the basis of its potential contributory negligence in misapplying investor funds; however, it was successful in its defense against Infinity Treasures.


This judgment assertively clarifies the strict adherence required to court orders for claimants, the importance of understanding the role and limitations of a trustee or agent in handling trust funds, and the scrutiny applicable when trustees deviate from their instructed purposes. For UK legal practitioners, the case serves as a detailed exposition of these principles in action, underscoring the necessity to ensure clarity in financial arrangements, especially those involving fiduciary responsibilities in trust and escrow scenarios. The court’s painstaking analysis establishes a precedent for approaching similar cases where multiple claims vie for a limited fund traceable to complex investment schemes.