Court Rules Local Authority Lacks Personal Interest in Parentage Dispute: Re D Case Analysis

Citation: [2024] EWHC 305 (Fam)
Judgment on


In the case of Re D (Parentage: Local Authority Application), Mr. Justice Poole was faced with the task of deciding on two concurrent applications brought by a Local Authority: an application under the Family Law Reform Act 1969 (FLRA 1969) s20 for DNA testing to establish parentage, and an application under the Family Law Act 1986 (FLA 1986) s55A for a declaration as to D’s parentage. The applications were set against the unusual backdrop of the conception of a child, D, where the child’s genetic paternity was uncertain due to the mixing of sperm from two potential fathers.

Key Facts

D’s alleged biological father, PQ, is named on his birth certificate, but there exists the potential that RS, whom D treats as a grandfather, could be his biological father. This complex situation arose from a privately arranged conception procedure consented to by all adult parties involved. The Local Authority’s applications were opposed by the child’s mother (JK), PQ, the child’s legal guardian, and RS, all of whom feared harm to the child’s welfare due to the revelation of his true parentage.

The case rested on the interpretation of the following legal principles and statutory provisions:

  • FLRA 1969 s20: This provision grants the court the power to order DNA testing where the parentage of a person needs to be determined within civil proceedings.

  • FLA 1986 s55A: This provision allows any person to apply for declarations of parentage, constrained by additional requirements around the determination of such applications.

  • Best Interests of the Child: The judgement revolved heavily around considering the best interests of the child as paramount, particularly when the child’s biological parentage is in question.

  • Sufficient Personal Interest: As per FLA 1986 s55A(3), Mr. Justice Poole interpreted that the Local Authority must demonstrate a “sufficient personal interest” in the outcome of the declaration for the case to be heard.

  • Necessary for Determination: The principle that the parentage must “fall to be determined” within existing civil proceedings for the court to order DNA testing, emphasizing the necessity for resolving ongoing issues in the case.


Mr. Justice Poole concluded:

  1. The Local Authority did not have “sufficient personal interest” as required by s55A(3) to maintain its application for a declaration of parentage since its interest was essentially public rather than personal.

  2. D’s parentage did not “fall to be determined” within the existing public law proceedings under s20 of the FLRA 1969, as the current and prospective orders (Supervision Order and Child Arrangements Order) did not depend on the biological relationship between D and PQ.

  3. Even if D’s parentage was a matter that fell to be decided within the relevant proceedings, it would not be contrary to D’s best interests to direct DNA testing. However, the court would consider a plan for the communication of results to D and could potentially review if communicating such results would be in D’s best interests.

The applications under FLRA 1969 s20 and FLA 1986 s55A were dismissed due to these findings, with no need to delve into the discretionary best-interest decision under FLRA 1969 s20 given the previous findings.


The Re D case highlights the court’s careful application of statutory gatekeeping to prevent unnecessary and disproportionate interference with family life. The judgment reaffirms the importance of construing the ‘personal interest’ in a manner that prioritizes actual stakeholders in parentage disputes and distinguishes between public interest and personal stakes in legal applications. It also demonstrates the judicial balance required to weigh the interests of truth and certainty against the potential emotional harm to the child and impacts on the family dynamic. This case will serve as guidance for handling similar cases involving complex familial relationships and the application of the relevant statutory provisions in parentage determinations.