High Court Judgment Explores Group Litigation Management and Global Claims in Shell Oil Pollution Case

Citation: [2024] EWHC 510 (KB)
Judgment on


The High Court case of Alame & Ors v Shell PLC, decided in March 2024, delves into complex issues of group litigation management, disclosure, and the applicability of the “global claim” principle in the context of oil pollution in Nigeria. The judgment by Mrs Justice May DBE intricately explores the relationship between pleaded particulars and disclosure, the treatment of group actions when specificity in pleading is lacking, and the strategic progression of the case towards trial.

Key Facts

The environmental group litigation concerns claims against Shell over oil pollution incidents in the Niger Delta, principally focusing on Shell’s alleged failure to prevent and address oil spillages. The litigation’s current procedural state does not provide the necessary detail on causation to identify “lead” claimants—a typical approach in group litigation cases. Consequently, the Court has been forced to dismiss an events-based claim methodology in favor of treating the claims as a global, “all-or-nothing” case. The Defendants, Shell PLC and The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd, are potentially liable for pollution experienced in the Bille and Ogale regions between 2011-2013.

The Court references several key legal principles and case law to navigate the complex matters at hand:

Pleadings and Case Management

Mrs Justice May emphasizes the importance of detailed pleadings to allow the identification of lead claimants and individualized case management, as previously observed in cases like the “Bodo litigation.” Without specific details linking particular Shell actions to specific incidents, and those incidents to individual losses, a “global claim” approach is necessary.

Global Claim Per English Law

In English law, a “global claim” requires that if the defendant can demonstrate a significant contribution to the damage from a factor outside of the defendant’s responsibility, the claimant may recover nothing. This approach must be considered by the Court when structuring litigation, especially when causation is contested, potentially being determinant.


The principles of standard and specific disclosure are grounded in CPR Part 31.6(a) and (b) of English law. Disclosure is guided by the overriding objective and proportionality. It must focus on the relevance of documents based on the pleaded issues, which, in this case, is fundamentally affected by the Court’s conclusion that these are “global claims.”

Informational Asymmetry

The Court also considers the concept of informational asymmetry seen in cases like “Cavallari v Mercedes Benz Group AG [2023].” However, the Court maintains that relevance to pleaded issues must be established before considering whether an informational imbalance justifies greater disclosure.

Procedural vs. Substantive Law

The judgment discusses whether the concept of a “global claim” is considered procedural or substantive under Nigerian law, which is the applicable substantive law governing the case’s causation questions. This distinction is critical as it influences the principles of causation and potentially impacts the whole litigation.


The judgment concludes with several key outcomes:

  1. The litigation will proceed by treating the claims as an “all-or-nothing” global claim until further amendments to the pleadings are made.
  2. Specific disclosure orders are granted for several categories of documents directly relevant to addressing the “3Cs” (contamination, consequences, and causes) for the Bille claims during 2011-2013.
  3. Standard disclosure was not ordered at this stage due to the lack of specificity in the pleadings and the potential for it to become an unjustified fishing expedition.
  4. The Court remains open to reconsidering the approach to disclosure and the future litigation path subject to further developments, such as the Preliminary Issues trial outcomes or any amendments to the pleadings.


Mrs Justice May’s judgment reflects a judicious balance between facilitating the plaintiffs’ pursuit of environmental justice and upholding procedural fairness and the efficient management of group litigation. The acknowledgment that the Court’s approach to disclosure and case management may need to adapt as the case evolves underscores the dynamic nature of large-scale litigation, particularly in the face of evolving climate law and environmental accountability. This judgment posits a flexible yet principled foundation upon which the case may progress, subject to the structured confines of English procedural law and the substantive law of Nigeria.