Court clarifies defamation meaning in Dyson v Channel Four: Key issues and cost implications

Citation: [2024] EWHC 400 (KB)
Judgment on


The High Court of Justice in the case of Dyson Technology Limited & Anor v Channel Four Television Corporation & Anor ([2024] EWHC 400 (KB)) provides an insightful exploration into the determination of defamatory meaning within the realm of libel law, as well as the context-specific nature of distinguishing between statements of fact and opinion. Additionally, the case illuminates the process and principles guiding the award of costs related to interlocutory applications in libel proceedings.

Key Facts

Dyson Technology Limited and Dyson Limited (Claimants) brought libel proceedings against Channel Four Television Corporation and Independent Television News Limited (Defendants) for a news item broadcasted alleging “appalling abuse and exploitation” in the factories of ATA, a Dyson supplier in Malaysia. The broadcast juxtaposed Dyson’s ethical public image against the alleged factory conditions. The key issues for determination included the broadcast’s natural and ordinary meaning, whether such meaning was defamatory at common law, and the categorization of the statements as fact or opinion.

The case hinged on several legal principles:

  1. Natural and Ordinary Meaning: In accordance with Jones v Skelton [1963] and Tinkler v Ferguson [2020], the court must determine the single natural and ordinary meaning of the words complained of as understood by the hypothetical reasonable reader. The context of the broadcast is vital for this assessment, including visual and auditory elements.

  2. Complicity vs. Responsibility: The differentiation between ‘complicity’ and ‘responsibility’ shaped the understanding of the implication of the claimants in the alleged misconduct. The court rejected the notion that viewers would perceive Dyson as complicit, aligning more with a sense of ‘responsibility’ without active involvement.

  3. Chase Levels of Meaning: Nicklin J in Brown v Bower [2017] clarified the ‘Chase levels’—distinguishing between allegations that the claimant is guilty, there are reasonable grounds to suspect guilt, and grounds to investigate potential guilt. This case concluded that the broadcast suggested reasonable grounds to suspect.

  4. Fact vs. Opinion: In line with Section 3 of the Defamation Act 2013 and cases like Koutsogiannis [2019] and Butt [2019], determining whether a statement is fact or opinion requires an understanding of whether it is discernibly comment to the ordinary reasonable reader. The case recognized a portion of the broadcast conveying a value judgment as comment, thus opinion.

  5. Costs in Interlocutory Applications: The case applied the ‘general rule’ of CPR 44 that costs follow the event, subject to the court’s discretion in consideration of all circumstances, including parties’ conduct. The claimants’ decision to make an interlocutory application was compelled by an earlier judgment, subsequently overturned on appeal, necessitating analysis of the causative relationship between the court’s earlier decision and the expenses incurred.


The court found that the broadcast implied reasonable grounds to suspect the claimants’ responsibility for misconducted practices at the supplier’s factories. Consequently, the claimants were not seen as complicit but held to bear ‘responsibility.’ The claim was allowed to proceed with the corporate claimants identified. Regarding cost, the court ordered the defendants to pay the claimants for the costs associated with the Reference Amendment Application on the basis that the application became unnecessary after the Court of Appeal overturned the original judgment regarding reference.


In Dyson Technology Limited & Anor v Channel Four Television Corporation & Anor, the court adeptly navigated the nuanced domain of libel law, drawing clear distinctions between intrinsic references and contexts governing the interpretation of broadcasts as defamatory statements of fact or opinion. The judgment also serves as a cautionary tale underscoring the intricacies of procedural decisions, especially their potential cost implications, proving pivotal in defamation litigation. The careful consideration of these elements underscores the ongoing balance struck by UK courts between protecting reputations and enabling freedom of expression within the media landscape.