HMRC Case Highlights Legal Balance Between Public Law Challenges and Private Law Claims

Citation: [2024] EWHC 530 (KB)
Judgment on


In the recent High Court case of Jennifer Webster v The Commissioners for HMRC, various legal principles were intricately discussed, particularly concerning public law challenges presented in the form of private law claims. This case scrutinized the legitimacy of the claimant’s action, whether it constituted an abuse of process, the role of judicial review, the protective mechanisms for public authorities, and the importance of funder identity in litigation. The case brings to light the delicate balance the judiciary must maintain between enabling access to justice and safeguarding against the misuse of the legal system.

Key Facts

Jennifer Webster, a former US citizen, initiated a claim against HMRC alleging that the transfer of her banking/investment data to the US tax authorities under a FATCA arrangement constituted a breach of her data protection rights. Initially framed as a potential public law challenge (judicial review), the claim morphed into a private law dispute pursuing damages and declaratory relief. Notably, the claim was underpinned by a funder whose identity remained undisclosed, a matter that became central to the proceedings.

Procedural Exclusivity and Abuse of Process

The court delved into the principle of ‘procedural exclusivity,’ which shields public authorities from certain legal challenges outside the bounds of judicial review (JR). Citing O’Reilly v Mackman and subsequent cases like Clark v University of Lincolnshire & Humberside and Richards v Worcestershire CC, it was emphasized that claims impacting public law decisions or actions should typically proceed via JR to comply with established protections for public bodies, ensuring proceedings are conducted justly.

Judicial Review and Private Law Claims

The case grappled with the distinction between private and public law claims, particularly the legitimacy of bringing a private law claim when quasi-public law issues are intertwined. HMRC asserted that the claim actually constituted a public law dispute given its intent and implications, thus improperly circumventing JR procedures. Key case references such as R (El-Gizouli) v SSHD and R (AAA (Syria)) v SSHD were discussed, with the court ultimately determining that more than literal compliance with procedural rules was necessary to evaluate the essence of the claim and the appropriateness of its form.

Funding Transparency and Fair Trial

The anonymity of the claimant’s funder became a crucial issue, with HMRC arguing that identity disclosure was pertinent to understanding the claim’s true motive and ensuring a fair trial. The court reinforced that a funder’s identity could be germane to an abuse of process defense, allowing a fuller picture of the interests at stake and the claim’s context.

Waiver and Representation

Debated as well was whether HMRC, through its pre-action correspondence, effectively waived its right to object to the claim proceeding as a private law action. The court examined if any representations made by HMRC might have led the claimant to rely, to her detriment, on exhausting other remedies. It was contended that HMRC’s position did not represent an unequivocal acknowledgment that the claimant had a sound private law claim, raising questions of reliance and detriment.


The court dismissed the claimant’s application for a terminating ruling, thereby allowing HMRC’s defense of abuse of process to proceed to trial. The court determined that HMRC’s case had sufficient legal and factual substance, and a realistic prospect of success at trial. The application to isolate funder identity as having no reasonable grounds was also dismissed, with the court deeming it a crucial part of the evaluative process in establishing an abuse of process.


The case of Webster v HMRC raises critical considerations for public law litigation strategy and the categorization of legal claims. It underscores the necessity for litigants to carefully evaluate the essence of their claims, especially where they purport to challenge public authority decisions and actions. The court’s analysis emphasizes the duty to ensure a fair trial while vigilantly guarding against potential abuses of the court’s process, an essential function in maintaining the integrity of the judiciary. The outcomes remind practitioners of the extensive evaluative powers of the court, where both the letter and spirit of legal claims are subject to scrutiny.