High Court Determines Claims for Damages Not Specified Amounts in Default Judgment Case

Citation: [2023] EWHC 2932 (KB)
Judgment on


The case of Kingsley Edward v Chinazo J Okeke & Ors is a significant one that centres on the interpretation of default judgments under the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR). The primary legal question concerns whether claims brought by the appellant, Mr. Edward, constituted claims for “specified amounts of money” entitling him to default judgments in specified sums, or whether they were for damages to be assessed by the court. The High Court’s decision in this case has implications for legal practitioners with respect to the entitlements for default judgments under the CPR, particularly when the claims involve general damages or where the defendants are overseas.

Key Facts

The appellant, Mr. Edward, initiated four separate claims in which the defendants did not file acknowledgements of service or defences. He sought default judgments for £100,000 in each case. However, Master Dagnall directed the matters to be listed for hearings, to which the appellant objected, leading to this appeal. The primary contentions revolved around the classification of claims as “specified amounts” within the meaning of CPR and the court’s discretion to hold a hearing.

Several legal principles were discussed in the case, including:

The Overriding Objective (CPR 1.1 and 1.2)

It is a guiding principle aiming to enable courts to deal with cases justly and at proportionate cost. In this context, it informed Master Dagnall’s decision-making, including his initial direction to hold hearings for the sake of procedural fairness.

Administrative and Judicial Acts (CPR 2.5 and 3.2)

The CPR distinguishes between administrative acts, performable by a court officer, and judicial decisions. The court officer may refer a matter to a judge before taking certain steps, demonstrating checks and balances in the administration of justice.

General Case Management Powers (CPR 3.1)

These powers grant the court broad discretion to manage cases in a way that furthers the overriding objective, including holding hearings (CPR 3.1(2)(d) and 3.1(2)(m)).

Civil Procedure Rules Pertaining to Default Judgment (CPR 12.1-12.5 and 12.12)

These rules were central to the determination of Mr. Edward’s claims. They dictate the conditions under which a claimant can obtain a default judgment without a trial where the defendant has failed to acknowledge service or file a defence.

Interpretation of “Specified Amounts of Money” (Merito Financial Services Ltd v David Yelloly and Lux Locations Ltd v Yida Zhang)

The case highlighted a divergence in interpreting what constitutes a “specified amount of money” for the purposes of default judgment, between the reasoning adopted in Merito and Master Dagnall’s judgment.

Precedent from the Rules of the Supreme Court (RSC Ord 13)

References were made to how previous rules defined “liquidated demands” and contrasted them to “unliquidated damages,” with Master Dagnall aligning with a more traditional demarcation of these terms as it applies to the current CPR.


The High Court found that none of Mr. Edward’s claims constituted claims for “specified amounts of money”; they were indeed claims for damages to be assessed. Subsequently, the appeal was dismissed, and Master Dagnall’s judgment entered for damages to be assessed was upheld.


The High Court’s decision in Kingsley Edward v Chinazo J Okeke & Ors serves as an important reminder for practitioners of the nuanced interpretation of the Civil Procedure Rules, particularly with regards to default judgments and the classification of claims. This case underscores the court’s obligation to consider the overriding objective and its discretionary power for case management, including the potential necessity of a hearing, even in default judgment contexts. The decision also reflects the court’s caution exercised when international defendants and jurisdictional issues are present. Practitioners should therefore be meticulous in how they frame their claims, especially in identifying them as “specified” or “unspecified” amounts, as this classification has significant implications for the kinds of judgments they may secure.