Court Clarifies Classification of Electronic Evidence in Legal Remuneration Dispute

Citation: [2024] EWHC 103 (SCCO)
Judgment on


The case of Arora Lodhi Heath Solicitors v The Lord Chancellor before Costs Judge Nagalingam at the Senior Courts Costs Office involved an appeal against redetermination. The primary issues at stake were the status of electronic Pages of Prosecution Evidence (PPE) and the classification of the offence for remuneration purposes. These matters pivoted on the interpretation of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013, as well as the definitions of “served” evidence and its inclusion in PPE.

Key Facts

The underlying criminal case involved the Defendant, Harmain Asif, charged with counts of controlling or coercive behavior and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. The case was built on a plethora of WhatsApp messages which the crown contended demonstrated a pattern of abusive behavior by the Defendant. During negotiations, the Defendant pleaded guilty to modified charges after the prosecution agreed to lay the original Count 1 on file, which led to a dispute over the agreed PPE.

The court had to determine whether the electronic evidence, exhibit DJH/02, should be classified as PPE or unused material for the purposes of remuneration under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013. Key to this determination was the understanding of what constitutes “served” material. The court referred to Section 9.7 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967, which treats exhibits identified in a written statement tendered in evidence as if produced and identified in court by the maker of the statement.

This principle was seen in the reliance on R v Hayes [2017] EWHC 138 (QB), where it was found incumbent upon defense representatives to examine evidence served by the prosecution fully. Furthermore, in Lord Chancellor v SVS [2017] EWHC 1045 (QB), the judgment elucidated the duties of defense lawyers in verifying the accuracy and completeness of prosecution summaries and the definitions of “served” evidence.


Costs Judge Nagalingam determined that the disputed electronic PPE (exhibit DJH/02) was indeed relied upon evidence, even though the Respondent categorized it as unused material. The judgment clarified that material’s relevance to the trial bears more weight in determination than formal categorization, resulting in allowance for the appellant’s claim for the entire contents of exhibit DJH/02 as PPE, totaling 2,564 pages in addition to the 226 pages previously allowed.

Moreover, regarding the offence classification, the court opted for Table B, recognizing the psychological harm and seriousness of the controlling or coercive behavior described in the evidence. A cost allowance of £500 plus the appeal fee was granted for the Appellant’s costs.


The case demonstrates the importance of a thorough examination of evidence in criminal proceedings, not just for the sake of presenting the defense but also for the purpose of legal remuneration. It underscores the principle that the substance and use of evidence take precedence over its formal designation when assessing whether it should be categorized as served PPE. Thus, the case serves as an instructive precedent on the handling of electronic evidence in the context of remuneration regulations, further clarifying the duties of defense lawyers in the preparation and agreement of evidence summaries for trial.