SCCO Clarifies Legal Fee Categorization in R v Chapel Appeal

Citation: [2023] EWHC 3364 (SCCO)
Judgment on


In the matter of R v Chapel before the Senior Courts Costs Office (SCCO), an appeal was lodged by Forrester Solicitors against the lower decision regarding the categorization of a litigator’s fee. This matter concerns the interpretation of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 (the 2013 Regulations) and the appropriate fee payable for legal services rendered in the context of the criminal justice system. The judgment by Costs Judge Rowley provides clarity on the categorization of legal fees relevant to appeals and the processing of sentencing for a breach of a Crown Court order.

Key Facts

Ian Chapel was subject to a suspended sentence order of 12 months’ imprisonment, during which the probation service alleged he failed to comply with the community requirements. Subsequent to a trial in the magistrates’ court, Chapel was convicted and subsequently had his case committed to the Crown Court for sentencing, given the original sentence’s length. Chapel’s appeal against the magistrates’ court decision was deemed a nullity, as the magistrates’ findings did not give rise to a right of appeal. Eventually, Chapel was sentenced for his admitted breaches of the suspended sentence.

Forrester Solicitors, representing Chapel, appealed the decision by the determining officer who categorized the litigator fee as a breach of a Crown Court order (paragraph 18 of the 2013 Regulations) rather than a committal for sentence (paragraph 15 of the 2013 Regulations).

The appeal turned on the interpretation of paragraphs 15 and 18 of Schedule 2 of the 2013 Regulations. Costs Judge Rowley focused on discerning whether the case at hand should be considered an appeal or committal for sentence from a magistrates’ court, which attracts a specific fee as set out in paragraph 15, or a breach of a Crown Court order, covered by paragraph 18.

Paragraph 15 governs the fees for appeals and committals for sentence hearings, covering appeals against conviction or sentence from magistrates’ courts or a sentencing hearing following a committal for sentence to the Crown Court. Paragraph 18 specifies fees for alleged breaches of a Crown Court order, applying to proceedings dealing with a single alleged breach.

The Costs Judge scrutinized the path taken by the case through the court system, from the magistrates’ court trial to the committal for a sentence in the Crown Court, and concluded that the circumstances fit the description under paragraph 15(c) of the 2013 regulations rather than paragraph 18.


Costs Judge Rowley ruled that the determining officer misapplied the regulations with regard to the claimed fixed fee. It was determined that the case should indeed be categorized under paragraph 15(c), pertaining to a sentencing hearing following a committal for sentence, rather than paragraph 18(a), which deals with the breach of a Crown Court order. In light of this decision, the appellant’s legal team is entitled to the appropriate fixed fee together with the costs of the appeal.


The SCCO’s decision in R v Chapel underscores the significance of the proper categorization of legal fees in the context of the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013. By closely analyzing the procedural history and specifics of the case, Costs Judge Rowley provided a clear interpretation of the regulations and rectified the misapplication by the determining officer. For legal professionals, this case reinforces the necessity for careful examination of the details in fee categorization, ensuring that remuneration aligns with the correct regulatory provisions.