High Court Rules in Favor of Separate Fees for Two Indictments in R v Horsfall - Clarifies Legal Representatives' Remuneration Entitlement Under Criminal Legal Aid Regulations 2013

Citation: [2023] EWHC 3128 (SCCO)
Judgment on


The High Court of Justice’s decision in R v Horsfall [2023] EWHC 3128 (SCCO) explores the remuneration entitlement of legal representatives under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 when facing multiple indictments. This analysis will dissect the Costs Judge’s reasoning and application of relevant legal principles, with a particular focus on the definitions of “cases” and the impact of stayed indictments on legal fees.

Key Facts

In R v Horsfall, IMS Law Limited (the appellant) contested the decision of the determining officer regarding entitlement to legal fees. The defendant, Vincent Horsfall, faced two separate indictments: the possession indictment relating to a firearm seized by the police and the conspiracy indictment involving the alleged conspiracy to supply firearms and ammunition. Initially, the possession indictment was the only charge; however, the conspiracy indictment emerged after ongoing surveillance evidence was deemed sufficient.

Upon the decision to try the conspiracy indictment jointly with co-conspirators’ charges in Manchester, there was an intention, albeit unfulfilled, to join the two indictments against Horsfall. Eventually, the possession indictment was stayed prior to the conspiracy trial commencement. IMS Law Limited argued that since there were two “cases” as per the regulations, they were entitled to fees for each indictment, a claim initially rejected by the determining officer.

The central legal principle in this appeal relates to determining what constitutes a “case” under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013. The analysis centered around whether the possession indictment, which was later stayed, could be considered a separate case from the conspiracy indictment for remuneration purposes.

Costs Judge Rowley applied judicial reasoning to the interpretation of the regulations and considered the technicalities of joinder and severance of indictments, as well as the intention behind the prosecution’s approach. Factors significant to this case included the perceived substantive separation of the indictments, the conduct of pre-trial proceedings, and the implications of a stayed indictment which could potentially be reactivated.

Moreover, the analysis considered the broader context of evolving court practices, notably the implications of using a digital system for indictment amendments, which influenced recent appeals regarding stayed indictments.


The appeal was ruled in favor of IMS Law Limited on the basis that two freestanding indictments existed, entitling them to separate fees for each. The judge opined that despite the indictments’ interconnected nature, their procedural histories justified remuneration as if they were independent cases. The ruling acknowledged that the possession indictment constituted a distinct “case” since it implicated specific evidence and was pursued independently before the conspiracy indictment emerged.


The decision in R v Horsfall clarifies that under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013, legal representatives may be entitled to fees for each indictment treated as a separate “case.” This determination is grounded in the substantive nature and procedural independence of the indictments in question, rather than the mere presence of multiple indictments. The appeal’s success rests on establishing the distinctiveness of the possession indictment prior to and apart from the conspiracy indictment, thereby asserting the appellant’s right to remuneration for both “cases” despite their subsequent procedural joining in the digital case system. This case reiterates the importance of precise judicial analysis in applying regulations to the evolving practices of case management and serves as a guiding precedent for similar future legal fee disputes.