Privy Council Addresses Jury Misconduct in Shawn Campbell Murder Case

Citation: [2024] UKPC 6
Judgment on


The Privy Council delivered a judgment on the appeal, Shawn Campbell, Adidja Palmer, Kahira Jones, and Andre St John v The King No. 2 (Jamaica), addressing significant legal principles surrounding jury misconduct and irregularities. The judgment provides a comprehensive analysis of the safeguards required to ensure a fair trial and the implications of breaches. This article explores the key topics and legal principles applied in this case, pertinent to practitioners within the UK legal system.

Key Facts

The appellants were convicted of the murder of Clive “Lizard” Williams, following a 64-day trial fraught with allegations of juror misconduct. Three primary incidents of misconduct were identified: an innocent interaction of a juror with defence counsel, the discharge of a juror due to personal distress related to the defendants, and an attempt by one juror to bribe the others. Additionally, the trial judge’s decision to allow jury deliberations to begin late in the day came under scrutiny.

Jury Integrity and Fair Trial

The crux of the appeal rested on the integrity of the jury and the defendants’ right to a fair hearing as enshrined in the Jamaican Constitution. The case of Taylor (Bonnett) v The Queen [2013] 1 WLR 1144 and R v Putnam (1991) 93 Cr App R 281 provided the benchmarks for assessing jury misconduct. These cases emphasized the necessity for individual integrity among jurors and a collective jury untainted by external influences.

The principle that emerged from this judgment is twofold: juror misconduct may prejudice a defendant either for or against, and the reaction of the jury to such conduct could unconsciously swing the verdict. Additionally, the responsibility of the presiding judge is ensuring that all appropriate measures are taken, including interviewing jurors individually, to assess the extent of the contamination before deciding the appropriate course of action.

Proviso to Section 14(1) of the Judicature (Appellate Jurisdiction) Act

The application of the proviso to allow for retention of verdicts despite a serious irregularity was rejected based on the intensity of the jury misconduct. This decision adheres to the principle that the administration of justice mandates not just the conviction of the guilty but also the protection of the innocent.

Retrial Considerations

The Privy Council opted to defer the decision on retrial to the local courts in accordance with Section 14(2) of the Judicature (Appellate Jurisdiction) Act, staying in line with precedents and allowing local courts to determine the appropriateness of a retrial within the context of the jurisdiction’s justice system.


The Privy Council held that the jury’s misconduct and the judge’s handling of the situation amounted to a miscarriage of justice. Consequently, the appellants’ convictions were quashed. As for the possibility of a retrial, the matter was remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica.


The judgment in Shawn Campbell, Adidja Palmer, Kahira Jones, and Andre St John v The King No 2 (Jamaica) elucidates the critical importance of jury integrity to the fair administration of justice. It underscores the onus on the presiding judge to thoroughly investigate and address allegations of misconduct to maintain the sanctity of the trial process. This case reinforces the fundamental legal principle that the right to a fair trial is paramount and must be safeguarded against any form of jury irregularity or misconduct. The Privy Council’s systematic application of these principles serves as a reminder to legal practitioners of the protective measures inherent within legal systems that uphold the rule of law.