Court of Appeal Affirms Conviction in R v Max Perry Manus Prior Appeal, Highlighting Importance of Evidence Quality and Legal Representation

Citation: [2023] EWCA Crim 1651
Judgment on


In the appellate judgement of R v Max Perry Manus Prior [2023] EWCA Crim 1651, the Court of Appeal Criminal Division evaluated the grounds for appeal presented by the applicant, Max Perry Manus Prior, against his conviction for wounding with intent. The judgement offers insight into several legal principles and their application in criminal proceedings, particularly regarding the appeal process, the quality and use of evidence, legal representation, and the instructions given to counsel.

Key Facts

Max Perry Manus Prior was convicted on 25 March 2022 in the Crown Court at Teesside for wounding with intent. He received an extended sentence of 8 years with a custodial component of 6 years plus a 2-year extension for further licence. Subsequent to a single judge’s refusal, Prior sought leave to appeal against his conviction, requesting an extension of 409 days to do so.

The facts leading to the initial conviction involved an incident on 14 October 2021, where Prior struck the victim with a glass in a pub, claiming self-defense during his trial. The judge at trial provided the jury with directions on the elements of the offence and the concept of self-defence.

Appeal Process

The applicant sought an extended period to file for an appeal, a request that brought into consideration the timeliness of appeals and exceptional circumstances that may warrant extensions.

Evidence Evaluation and Use

The quality of CCTV evidence and the use of witness statements were raised, implicating principles related to the admissibility and reliability of evidence, and the modifications to such evidence in criminal proceedings.

The applicant’s claims of being deprived of representation at critical junctures invoked the principle that defendants are entitled to legal representation during police questioning and throughout the legal process.

Role of Defence Counsel

Issues pertaining to the conduct and performance of defence counsel were examined, reflecting on the principles that require counsel to act on a client’s instructions and to advocate effectively for the client’s defence.

Arrest Procedures

The legality of the applicant’s arrest location and subsequent charge upgrade highlighted the procedural principles governing the arrest and charging process within the criminal justice system.


The appeal court methodically addressed each ground of appeal:

  1. Right to representation was affirmed, noting the applicant had the ability to have a solicitor if he wished and was represented at trial.

  2. The quality of CCTV was deemed sufficient for use in court, refuting the applicant’s initial claims of poor quality evidence.

  3. Absent specific allegations regarding changes to a witness statement and the relevance thereof, this ground was dismissed.

  4. Incorrect identification of the prosecutor was clarified; the applicant’s barrister was not the same individual, thereby dismissing this ground.

  5. The alleged alteration of CCTV footage for the trial was refuted due to the lack of evidence that the footage itself was altered.

  6. Defence inadequacies were dismissed, as the defence counsel adhered to the applicant’s instructions during the trial.

  7. The location of arrest was deemed inconsequential to the legality of the process.

  8. The upgrade in the charged offence from the initial arrest to final charge was addressed as a common occurrence and legally sound given the evidence supporting the more serious charge.

In conclusion, the court found no arguable grounds for appeal and refused the application, including the request for an extension of time to appeal.


The judgement in R v Max Perry Manus Prior clarifies the application of legal principles concerning the appellate process and the conduct of criminal trials. The court critically analyzed the applicant’s self-drafted grounds of appeal and found them lacking in substance, thereby affirming the importance of evidence quality, the right to representation, the responsibilities of counsel, and adherence to procedural requirements in securing a fair trial. The systematic refutation of each ground underscores the appellate court’s role in ensuring that convictions are just and based on sound legal grounds.