Court of Appeal Upholds Sentence in R v Raymond Alexander McLaren for Serious Offense of Wounding with Intent

Citation: [2023] EWCA Crim 1555
Judgment on


In the case of R v Raymond Alexander McLaren ([2023] EWCA Crim 1555), the Court of Appeal of England and Wales addressed an appeal against a sentence passed for a serious offence of wounding with intent. This analysis will dissect the case law provided, focusing on the legal principles applied by the judges, specifically, Lady Justice Whipple, Mrs Justice McGowan, and Her Honour Judge Moreland, in reaching the decision to dismiss the appeal.

Key Facts

Raymond Alexander McLaren faced sentencing for a single count of wounding with intent under section 18 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. Following a guilty plea, he received a sentence of seven years’ imprisonment. The offence occurred in the domestic setting against his wife, Helen McLaren, amidst circumstances involving a recent separation and substantial alcohol consumption by Mr. McLaren.

The facts underscore aggravating factors, such as the domestic setting and a history of domestic abuse. The incident involved Mr. McLaren attacking Helen with a knife, causing severe injuries, following her refusal to reconcile their relationship. Mitigating factors recognized include Mr. McLaren’s otherwise good character and efforts to address his alcohol issues and abusive behavior.

Culpability and Harm in Offences Against the Person

The legal principles in this case revolve around the sentencing guidelines related to offences against the person, specifically the classification of the offence concerning culpability and harm. It was agreed that the offence fell into category B for medium culpability and harm category 1 under section 18 guidelines, providing a starting point of seven years’ imprisonment range of six to ten years.

Aggravating and Mitigating Factors

A crucial aspect of sentencing involves weighing the aggravating and mitigating factors. The trial judge factored in the domestic context and history of abuse as significant aggravating elements. In contrast, mitigating factors included Mr. McLaren’s steps to address his issues and support from family and friends. However, there were conflicting signals about the accused’s remorse.

Credit for Guilty Pleas

The principle of providing credit for guilty pleas is established to incentivize early admission of guilt, thus saving court resources and reducing the impact on victims. Mr. McLaren’s plea was entered approximately a month before the trial, warranting a reduction in sentence. The Credit for Guilty Pleas guideline suggests a range of reduction in sentence up to a maximum of one-third for a guilty plea.


The Recorder, upon considering the aggravating and mitigating factors, initially set a notional sentence of eight years before applying credit for the guilty plea, the rationale for which the appeal challenged. The appellant’s lawyer argued that either too much weight was given to the aggravating factors or insufficient consideration to mitigating factors, and that a greater credit for the guilty plea was warranted.

The Court of Appeal, however, found that the Recorder was entitled to arrive at the notional eight-year sentence marker, as the aggravating features outweighed the personal mitigation. Additionally, the Court deemed the credit for the guilty plea of 12.5% to be within the Recorder’s discretion.


The Court of Appeal, in affirming the Recorder’s decision, highlighted that the severity of the crime, carried out in a domestic context with a lack of complete responsibility taken by the defendant, justified the sentence. Therefore, the sentence of seven years’ imprisonment was neither manifestly excessive nor wrong in principle, leading to the dismissal of the appeal.

The case R v Raymond Alexander McLaren serves as a pertinent reminder of the careful balancing act courts must perform in sentencing decisions, wherein detailed consideration of the nature of the offence and personal circumstances of the defendant need to be meticulously weighed against the backdrop of established legal principles and guidelines.