Dismissal of Appeal in Farrington Care Homes Case Highlights Importance of Timeliness in Legal Proceedings

Citation: [2023] UKFTT 1081 (GRC)
Judgment on


In the case of Farrington Care Homes Limited v The Environment Agency ([2023] UKFTT 1081 (GRC)), the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) heard an appeal by determination on the papers concerning the timeliness of an appeal against a Civil Penalty Notice issued to the appellant, Farrington Care Homes Limited, by the respondent, The Environment Agency. The intricate legal principles surrounding time extensions for filing appeals, as well as the responsibility of appellants to manage their affairs irrespective of reliance on agents, formed the crux of this case.

Key Facts

The appellant, Farrington Care Homes Limited, received a Civil Penalty Notice from the respondent for £18,900, issued on 23 December 2022. The appellant filed an appeal on 25 April 2023, which exceeded the 28-day statutory time limit, resulting in a three-month delay. The appellant argued that the penalty was factually erroneous, unreasonable, and that the respondent had verbally assured withdrawal of the penalty. However, no extension of time was requested nor granted for the appeal, and a key agent for the appellant did not comply with the court’s direction to submit a witness statement. The appellant faced the potential consequences of relying on incorrect representation by its agent.

The tribunal, presided over by Judge Alison McKenna, referenced several legal principles and case laws to justify the dismissal of the appeal:

  1. Regulation 48 of the ESOS Regulations: This regulation allows for an appeal in cases where a Civil Penalty Notice is based on an error of fact, wrong in law, or is unreasonable.

  2. Discretion under Tribunal Procedure Rules: Rule 5(3)(a) of the Tribunal’s Rules grants judges discretion to extend time limits for appeals.

  3. Data Select Limited v HMRC: The tribunal referred to the principles outlined in this case for applications for time extension, which include considerations about the purpose of the time limit, length of delay, explanation for the delay, and the consequences of extending or not extending the time limit for both parties.

  4. ESOS Regulations: The implications of regulations 49 and 50 concerning the suspension of penalties and powers of the tribunal when determining an appeal were also cited.

The decision to refuse the time extension primarily hinged on the lack of a credible explanation for the delay and the appellant’s failure to follow the prescribed appeals procedure.


The appellant’s Notice of Appeal was found to be out of time. Judge McKenna refused to extend the time to admit the appeal, based on the considerable delay and the insufficiency of the explanation provided for the tardy submission. Consequently, the appeal was not permitted to proceed further. The appellant was advised to seek legal counsel for alternative remedies available through the courts.


The decision in Farrington Care Homes Limited v The Environment Agency ([2023] UKFTT 1081 (GRC)) underscores the importance of adhering to procedural deadlines and provides a cautionary tale regarding the reliance on third-party agents for compliance with legal responsibilities. The careful application of legal principles such as those detailed in Data Select Limited v HMRC shaped the tribunal’s determination to dismiss the appeal due to untimeliness. This case reinforces the judicial emphasis on the conduct of orderly proceedings and the responsibility of litigants to ensure that their legal affairs are managed with due diligence.