Court Denies Retrospective Extension in Tameside Caravans Appeal-Filing Case

Citation: [2024] EWHC 95 (KB)
Judgment on


In the case of Tameside Caravans and Storage Limited v Viavecto Limited [2024] EWHC 95 (KB), the High Court in Manchester District Registry considered an application for a retrospective extension of time to file an Appellant’s Notice. The case elucidates on several procedural and substantive legal principles, particularly those relating to litigants in person, compliance with procedural rules, and the circumstances that justify an extension of time in filing an appeal.

Key Facts

Tameside Caravans and Storage Limited (TCSL) sought to appeal a judgment pertaining to a commercial possession claim and related mesne profits. TCSL’s legal representatives initially failed to plead certain arguments which led to TCSL losing the trial. Post-trial, TCSL, acting through Mr. Buckley and without legal representation, filed an appellant’s notice outside the 21-day prescribed period. This notice was procedurally incorrect and substantively inadequate, leading to the current application for a retrospective extension of the filing period.

Procedural Compliance and Litigants in Person

The principal legal guidelines applied in the judgment stem from the foundational principle of enforcing compliance with procedural rules, as stated in the CPR Part 3.9. The case references R (Hysaj) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWCA Civ 133, where it was established that the fact a party is unrepresented is generally not a good reason for non-compliance with court orders.

Denton Test

The court applied the established three-stage test from Denton v T.H. White Ltd [2014] EWCA Civ 906 for assessing applications for relief from sanctions:

  1. Identify and assess the seriousness of the failure to comply.
  2. Consider why the default occurred.
  3. Evaluate all circumstances of the case to deal justly with the application.

In particular, the judgment emphasizes the limited scope for latitude as applicable to litigants in person, which may only operate at the margins.

Prejudice and Importance of the Case

Two factors deemed significant were (a) the importance of the case and potential prejudice to the parties and third parties, and (b) the status of compliance and delay from TCSL post-judgment. This aligns with the considerations highlighted in Hysaj regarding the adjudication of extensions in the context of public interest and potential prejudice.

Evaluation of Merits

The evaluation of the merits of the appeal, per guidance from Hysaj, is considered if they are readily apparent without extensive investigation. The Merits of TCSL’s appeal were found to be very weak based on the judge’s analysis that the necessary factual arguments were not properly pleaded as part of TCSL’s Defence.


The court refused the application for a retrospective extension of time. The judge found that the seriousness of the non-compliance without good reason, along with TCSL’s decision to proceed without legal counsel, did not meet the threshold required for relief.


The High Court’s decision in Tameside Caravans and Storage Limited v Viavecto Limited illustrates the high expectation placed upon litigants, including those unrepresented, to comply with procedural rules. The case reinforces the limited circumstances in which leniency is afforded to litigants in person and stresses the importance of presenting clearly pleaded arguments within specified timeframes. Furthermore, it confirms the reticence of the court to delve into the merits of an appeal when adjudicating procedural matters such as retrospective extension applications, except when those merits are readily determinable. This judgment serves as a cautionary reminder of the emphasis on procedural discipline by the courts and the expectation for all parties, irrespective of representation status, to adhere strictly to the stipulated rules and deadlines.