Tribunal Rules Lack Jurisdiction to Hear Appeal in Global Skills Meet Ltd v The Pensions Regulator Case

Citation: [2024] UKFTT 57 (GRC)
Judgment on


In the case of Global Skills Meet Ltd v The Pensions Regulator, heard before the First-tier Tribunal within the General Regulatory Chamber, the Tribunal assessed its own jurisdiction to hear an appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice issued by The Pensions Regulator. This case analysis will examine the key aspects of the judgment, focusing on the legal principles applied as referenced in the case summary of [2024] UKFTT 57 (GRC).

Key Facts

Global Skills Meet Ltd, the appellant, lodged an appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice which was dated 31 August 2023. The company acknowledged its failure to comply with automatic re-enrolment duties but cited mitigating circumstances due to the ill-health of its proprietor. The company has since become compliant with the specified requirements.

The Pensions Regulator sought a strike out of the appeal under rule 8(2)(a) on the basis that the Tribunal lacked jurisdiction to determine the case. This was because a prerequisite for the Tribunal’s jurisdiction – a review conducted by The Pensions Regulator – was not met, as the review request for the Penalty Notice was not received within the appropriate timeline and was not reviewed out of time.

The pivotal aspect of this case centers on the Tribunal’s jurisdiction to hear appeals, which is contingent upon the fulfillment of statutory pre-conditions as per s. 44 (2) of the Pensions Act 2008.

Firstly, the Tribunal Procedure Rules, particularly rule 8 (2) (a) of the Tribunal’s Rules, were invoked by The Pensions Regulator for striking out the appeal. This rule allows the Tribunal to dismiss a case when it lacks jurisdiction. As in this instance, no review had been conducted by The Pensions Regulator regarding the penalty, which is a prerequisite for the Tribunal’s jurisdiction according to the Pensions Act 2008, s. 44 (2).

The Tribunal also adhered to procedural fairness by inviting the appellant to provide representations on the proposed strike out as per rule 8(4). The lack of a response from the appellant was noted in the decision.


Based on the facts presented, and without any contrary argument from the appellant, Judge Alison McKenna concluded that the Tribunal lacked jurisdiction to hear the appeal. Consequently, it was directed that the appeal be struck out in accordance with the aforementioned rules. The reasoning provided by the Tribunal stressed that without jurisdiction, there was no discretion to consider the appeal, emphasizing the importance of jurisdiction as the basis for any legal action within a tribunal framework.


The Tribunal’s decision in Global Skills Meet Ltd v The Pensions Regulator is a clear affirmation of the need for appellants to comply with all statutory pre-conditions to establish the Tribunal’s jurisdiction. The ruling reinforces the legal principle that jurisdiction is a threshold issue which must be addressed before a tribunal can consider the merits of a case. This analysis serves as a reminder to legal professionals that procedural compliance is as crucial as substantive arguments in legal disputes, especially within the regulatory context.