Court Upholds Extradition of Mr. Lakatos to Hungary Despite Human Rights Arguments

Citation: [2023] EWHC 2898 (Admin)
Judgment on


In the matter of Atilla Norbert Lakatos v Hungarian Judicial Authority, the judgments of FORDHAM J pertain to extradition proceedings involving the appellant, Mr. Lakatos. These proceedings arise from accusations of the appellant’s involvement in a telephone scam operation in Hungary, which targeted elderly victims and resulted in significant financial loss. The High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division, Administrative Court has delivered decisions on two appeal cases, hereafter referred to as the Heptonstall appeal and the Robinson appeal, both of which involve extradition warrants and accompanying human rights arguments.

Key Facts

The appellant, Atilla Norbert Lakatos, faced extradition to Hungary on multiple counts of alleged fraud. In the first instance, District Judge (DJ) Bouch and later DJ Godfrey ordered Mr. Lakatos’ extradition based on several Extradition Arrest Warrants. Subsequent legal proceedings brought forth two appeals: the Heptonstall appeal, which stemmed from additional accusations during a period while the appellant was on the run, and the Robinson appeal, pertaining to alleged offenses committed in late 2020 and early 2021.

Key points argued in these appeals included the violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) based on claims of discrimination due to Roma ethnicity and sexual orientation (bisexuality). An Article 8 ECHR argument was also raised concerning the right to respect for private and family life.

The legal principles central to these extradition cases involve the interpretation and application of Articles 3 and 8 of the ECHR. Article 3 protects individuals from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In extradition cases, this article is particularly weighed when considering the treatment an individual might face in the requesting state’s prison system. The appellant’s Article 3 argument was premised on alleged discrimination due to his bisexuality and Roma ethnicity.

Article 8 safeguards the right to respect for one’s private and family life. The appellant brought a novel Article 8 argument before the court, suggesting that his evolving family life, including a same-sex relationship premised on intent to marry, should preclude extradition.

In assessing these claims, the judges (Fordham J, Julian Knowles J, and May J) evaluated the credibility of the appellant’s assertions, the plausibility of evidence presented, and the timing of the claims in relation to the extradition proceedings. The courts referred to previous judgments and the overriding objective to administer justice efficiently and effectively. They also considered whether there was “a systemic failure” in Hungary to protect individuals from Article 3 mistreatment in making their determinations.


In both the Heptonstall and Robinson appeals, the argument based on Article 3 was thoroughly examined. Both DJ Robinson and DJ Heptonstall concluded that the appellant’s claims regarding his bisexuality were not credible, finding that the assertions were manufactured with the intent to resist extradition. Consequently, the associated Article 8 argument was rendered irrelevant.

The judges considered expert reports and found no evidence of systemic failure in the treatment of bisexual individuals or Roma individuals in the Hungarian prison system. Moreover, it was concluded that there was no arguable risk of an Article 3 breach in Mr. Lakatos’s potential extradition to Hungary.

The new Article 8 argument, premised on family life considerations, was dismissed, as the court did not find any qualified rights that could outweigh the strong public interest in extradition. Further, the application for an extension of time in the Heptonstall appeal was granted; however, it was decided that no further adjournment was necessary, and the argument was dismissed.


In conclusion, the courts have affirmed the extradition of Atilla Norbert Lakatos to Hungary while carefully analyzing and ultimately rejecting the human rights arguments presented under Articles 3 and 8 of the ECHR. The decisions highlight the importance of credible evidence and the courts’ role in ensuring that extradition arrangements respect human rights, yet also uphold the public interest in combatting international crime. The legal principles applied here underscore the rigorous judicial scrutiny involved in extradition cases with concurrent human rights considerations.