Court confirms extradition of Monika Fiserova despite Article 8 ECHR challenge

Citation: [2024] EWHC 204 (Admin)
Judgment on


In the High Court of Justice King’s Bench Division Administrative Court case of Monika Fiserova v District Court in Prachatice (Czech Republic), several crucial legal topics were addressed with respect to extradition proceedings. This case analysis dissects the legal principles applied and their correlation to the key issues at stake, focusing primarily on the topics discussed in the judgment summary.

Key Facts

The appellant, Monika Fiserova, is challenging her ordered extradition to the Czech Republic on the accusation of counterfeiting/alteration of money and fraud. The central issue for appeal is the alleged incompatibility of the extradition with her right to a family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The accusations are well-detailed, outlining the events and subsequent legal proceedings including the issuance of both a domestic warrant and extradition request.

The judgment relies on several fundamental legal principles notably:

  1. Extradition and Article 8 ECHR: The necessity to strike a balance between the public interest in extradition and the individual’s right to family life under Article 8 of the ECHR is central to this case. This incorporates an evaluation of the potential severity of the consequences on family life in light of extradition obligations.

  2. Proportionality Assessment in Extradition Cases: Proportionality is a key consideration, as described in HH v Deputy Prosecutor of the Italian Republic, Genoa [2012] UKSC 25. The Supreme Court in HH set out that very strong counter balancing factors are necessary for an extradition to be considered disproportionate.

  3. Seriousness of the Offence and Public Interest: The gravity of the alleged offence is examined, with respect to Miraszewski v Poland [2014] EWHC 4261 (Admin), which outlined the importance of respecting the requesting state’s views on the serious nature of the offences.

  4. Fugitive Status of the Appellant: The notion of “safe havens” and the UK’s commitment to treaty obligations is given considerable weight. This principle is especially pertinent given that the appellant is considered a fugitive.

  5. Family Interests and the Impact of Extradition: The family interests, especially the wellbeing of the appellant’s child and the impact of her potential incarceration, play an influential role. The district judge’s assessment weighed the transformative impact on the appellant’s life after arrival in the UK against the UK’s extradition obligations.

  6. Appellate Review: The appellate court is tasked with deciding if the decision of the district judge was erroneous, as per Love v USA [2018] EWHC 172 (Admin). Lord Neuberger in Re B [2013] 1 WLR 1943 further refines this by illustrating how an appellate judge might approach the categorization of decisions in the context of proportionality.


The Court of Appeal ultimately upheld the decision of the district judge, determining that the extradition of the appellant would not be disproportionate in relation to her Article 8 rights. The court acknowledged the appellant’s evidence and the stated preference for her family to remain in the UK but affirmed the high public interest in extradition, which outweighed her personal and familial considerations. The appellate court did not find that the balancing factors cited by the appellant were sufficient to render extradition disproportionate.


In conclusion, the extradition of Monika Fiserova to the Czech Republic was upheld, with the court finding no error in the district judge’s application of the relevant legal principles to the facts of the case. The decision reaffirms the weighty public interest in fulfilling international extradition obligations and emphasises that only exceptionally severe consequences on family life can tilt the balance against extradition. The seriousness of the alleged offences and her fugitive status contributed significantly to the proportionality assessment in favor of extradition. The intricate balancing of these interests underpins the applied legal principles, furnishing a comprehensive understanding for legal professionals practicing within the UK jurisdiction.