UK High Court Denies Bail in Extradition Case Tied to Large-Scale Telephone Scam

Citation: [2023] EWHC 3079 (Admin)
Judgment on


The case of Maciej Wloch v Polish Judicial Authority ([2023] EWHC 3079 (Admin)) involves an extradition bail application heard in the High Court of Justice, King’s Bench Division, Administrative Court. The judgment, delivered by FORDHAM J, outlines the considerations taken into account when assessing an application for bail amidst allegations of serious criminal offenses tied to an extradition request.

Key Facts

The applicant, Maciej Wloch, is a 41-year-old individual sought for extradition to Poland to stand trial for 123 offenses, predominantly involving a large-scale telephone scam targeting elderly individuals. The scam deceived elders into relinquishing their life savings under the guise of providing bail money for a grandchild in custodial emergency. The applicant is alleged to be the leader of this criminal group and is accused of orchestrating the frauds, alongside an alleged money laundering offense involving over £1.2 million.

During the bail application, the defense argued for the applicant’s release on bail, citing his strong UK ties, including a partner and four children, along with a significant pre-release security offer of £70,000 from a friend. This bail application follows a prior denial of bail by DJ Turnock, where a lesser amount was proposed as security.

In the decision, several legal principles are applied:

  1. Presumption in Favor of Bail: In accusation extradition cases, there is a statutory presumption that favors the granting of bail. However, this presumption can be rebutted by the existence of substantial grounds for believing that the applicant would fail to surrender to custody if released.

  2. Bail Merits: The court is required to consider the merits of bail afresh, ensuring that each application is examined on its own facts and circumstances.

  3. Risk Assessment: The decisions on bail applications involve a qualitative risk assessment concerning the likelihood of an applicant absconding. Factors such as the severity of the alleged crimes, potential sentencing, strength of community ties, and past behaviors are considered.

  4. Analysis of Securities and Ties: The court analyzes the origin and legitimacy of the financial securities offered for bail and assesses the anchoring effect of the applicant’s family ties and proposed conditions.


FORDHAM J refused the application for bail, reasoning that there are significant grounds to believe that the applicant, if released, would seek to abscond. A key aspect of this determination lay in the nature of the charges and the high-value financial crimes implicated. In addition, the judge raised concerns about the provenance of the bail security offered and found the applicant’s presentation of false identification, with involvement from his partner, indicative of a risk of evasion.


The judgment in Maciej Wloch v Polish Judicial Authority reflects the careful balancing act courts must perform when assessing the risk of bail in extradition cases. It demonstrates the importance of considering both the strength of community ties and the pre-release security offered against the seriousness of the charges and evidence suggesting a propensity to evade legal proceedings. This case reaffirms that the presumption in favor of bail is not absolute and can be outweighed by compelling factors signaling a risk of absconding.