Judicial Review Application Denied in Case Challenging Police Caution Impact on Employment Prospects

Citation: [2024] EWHC 160 (Admin)
Judgment on


The case of Tarun Puri, R (on the application of) v Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police [2024] EWHC 160 (Admin) presents an application for judicial review, where the process and consequences of police cautions are scrutinized against the backdrop of proper legal advice, the timeline for seeking a review, and the effect such a caution has on an individual’s record. The claimant, Tarun Puri, contests the validity of a police caution administered for possession of Class B drugs and its subsequent impact on his employment prospects.

Key Facts

Tarun Puri was an 18-year-old university student when he received a police caution for possession of Class B drugs on 19th July 2018. Over three years later, upon facing employment rejection due to this caution being disclosed in a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, Puri sought to have the caution expunged. The claim centers around the assertion that the claimant was not adequately informed about the implications of the caution and that due to his Dyspraxia, he did not fully comprehend the consequences at the time of its issuance.

Several legal principles play crucial roles in this case:

  1. Judicial Review Timelines: The court examines whether there is “good reason” to extend the timeline for bringing a claim for judicial review, as set out in CPR Part 54. The principles for deciding extensions of time are informed by potential prejudice to the Respondent, the strength of the claimant’s case, and the public interest, as exemplified in Maharaj v National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago [2019] UKPC 5.

  2. Police Cautions and Legal Advice: The court considered whether the claimant was informed of the potential consequences of accepting a caution. The standard of legal advice provided at the time of the caution is critical, with the benchmark being set by what a reasonable solicitor would advise in similar circumstances.

  3. Prejudice to the Respondent: If a substantial period has elapsed since the event in question, as stated in the summary grounds of defense, the respondent may face difficulties in adducing evidence or recalling specific details, unfavorably impacting their position.

  4. Impact of Delay: Attention is given to the delay between the disclosure of the caution and the steps taken by the claimant to challenge it. The relevance of the claim diminishes over time, as the information will cease to be disclosed after a certain period.

  5. Comparison with Previous Case Law: The claimant draws parallels with a previous case, Stratton v Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police [2013] EWHC 1561 Admin, to argue similarities in fact patterns. However, the presiding judge finds that Stratton is confined to its facts and does not provide a precedent applicable to the current case.


The application for judicial review was refused. The judge established that there was no satisfactory explanation for the delay, and noted that it resulted in significant prejudice to the defendant. Furthermore, the court found the merits of the case to be uncompelling—particularly since Puri likely received the standard legal advice during the caution process, contradicting his assertion of unawareness. Given these reasons, and the fact that the caution would not be disclosed after six years due to the passage of time, the claim was deemed to hold limited value.


The denial of Puri’s application for judicial review in Tarun Puri, R (on the application of) v Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police crystallizes the necessity for timely action and comprehension in legal matters. The case underscores the importance of clear and adequate legal advice at the time of a caution, the implications of a delay in seeking redress, and the materiality of a claim as time progresses. Legal professionals must remain vigilant about such timelines and ensure their clients are fully informed to avoid jeopardizing future legal challenges.