Admiralty Case Highlights Liability Distribution in Maritime Collision: Denver Maritime Limited v Belpareilas

Citation: [2024] EWHC 362 (Admlty)
Judgment on


In the Admiralty case of Denver Maritime Limited v Belpareilas, the High Court of Justice delivered a nuanced judgment dealing with liability distribution in a maritime collision. This case presents a deep analysis of fault and apportionment between two vessels that collided due to a series of negligent actions. It offers a fascinating insight into the application of maritime law principles, specifically concerning the initial faults leading to a vessel’s uncontrolled drifting and the subsequent navigational decisions taken to avoid a collision.

Key Facts

The m.v. Belpareil and the m.v. Kiran Australia, two geared Supramax bulk carriers, collided in the Bay of Bengal off Chattogram, Bangladesh, due to Belpareil dragging anchor and Kiran Australia’s response maneuvers. The incident was significantly extended in time and involved complex navigation decisions and communications, or lack thereof, which eventually led to the collision.

The Admiralty Court made several key factual findings, including Belpareil’s faults in dragging its anchor, failing to use a secondary anchor, and not issuing a prompt warning of its distress. These faults were contrasted with the actions taken by Kiran Australia in the moments leading up to the collision.

This case navigates through multiple legal principles relevant to Admiralty law. The highlighted principles include:

  1. Prima Facie Evidence of Negligence Due to Dragging: The principle that dragging an anchor is prima facie evidence of negligence is well-established through cases cited within the judgment. If a vessel cannot rebut this presumption by demonstrating the dragging was not due to negligence or could not be prevented by reasonable skill and care, liability may be established.

  2. Duty to Warn: The court determined that Belpareil breached the duty to inform nearby vessels of its predicament in a timely manner, which could have allowed Kiran Australia to take preventive measures to avoid the collision.

  3. Use of Second Anchor: The principle that a ship may be at fault for not considering the deployment of a secondary anchor when the primary anchor is dragging was foremost in the court’s findings of fault against Belpareil.

  4. Effective Cause and ‘But For’ Causation: The court carefully distinguished between the ‘but for’ causation and effective causes of the collision. Mere ‘but for’ causation is insufficient; the court determined that Belpareil’s various faults were effective causes, contributing to the collision situation.

  5. Apportionment of Liability: The court applied principles regarding the apportionment of liability, assessing the blameworthiness and causative potency of each vessel’s faults, as set out under s.187 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995.

  6. Fault in the Final Minutes: Both vessels were found to have been at fault in the final minutes. Kiran Australia’s failure to maintain its position and Belpareil’s decision to maintain Full Ahead contributed to the collision, not fulfilling the expectation of competent seamanship to avoid a collision.


The court found both Belpareil and Kiran Australia at fault, with all of Belpareil’s identified faults except for the delayed call for tug assistance effectively causing the collision. The court, in its judgment, apportioned the liability for the collision 70% to Belpareil and 30% to Kiran Australia, reflecting Belpareil’s significantly greater blameworthiness in creating the initial dangerous situation, as well as the mutual poor judgment and communication in the final minutes before the collision.


The case of Denver Maritime Limited v Belpareilas elucidates important principles of maritime collision law, emphasizing the liability for negligence in navigational decisions and the critical need for effective communication and actions by vessels to avoid collisions. By systematically dissecting the various negligent actions of the two vessels, both prior to and in the heat of the moment, the court’s detailed judgment sets forth a clear legal framework for the apportionment of liability that will serve as a valuable reference for maritime law practitioners in the UK.