High Court Clarifies Charity Governance and Financial Management Duties in Dr. Mohamed H Jaffer v Safder Jaffer & Ors

Citation: [2024] EWHC 135 (Ch)
Judgment on


In the High Court case of Dr. Mohamed H Jaffer v Safder Jaffer & Ors, a thorough examination of internal charity governance, election processes, and the management of substantial donations was undertaken. The case presents an intricate tapestry of legal principles related to charitable organization management and the fiduciary duties of those charged with overseeing charitable entities. The legal analysis in this matter provides clear guidance on many points of import to legal professionals involved in the governance and adjudication of charity-related disputes.

Key Facts

The case centers around the World Federation of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities (the Charity), where the claimant, Dr. Mohamed H Jaffer, challenged the validity of the 2020 Presidential election within the Charity and raised concerns over the handling of donations made by a significant donor (the Donor). Two primary issues were put forth: the alleged ineligibility of the winner, Mr. Safder Jaffer, and concerns regarding the substantial donations directed to be used for projects in Iraq and Lebanon. Dr. Jaffer’s request to the court was to appoint a receiver to manage the forthcoming Presidential election and investigate the financial affairs of the Charity as they relate to the Donor’s contributions.

Eligibility and Validity of Elections

The court applied the principles of interpreting organizational rules and standard operating procedures (SOP) and examined whether the conduct of the electoral commission was within the reasonable extent of its discretion as fiduciaries. The judgment drew upon equitable principles allowing for certain procedural discretions in election management to ensure a fair and smooth election process, while upholding that the substance of electoral rules should not be materially breached.

Fiduciary Duty and Supervisory Jurisdiction

The court exercised its supervisory jurisdiction over the charity, emphasizing the fiduciary role that the Electoral Commission and Charity’s Office Bearers play. Furthermore, the case engaged with principles surrounding the non-intervention principle, the ‘benevolent approach’ to trustees of charities, and duties upon the new trustees regarding the examination of past actions.

Financial Affairs and Transparency

The analysis delved into the duties of the trustees in relation to financial transparency and the proper application of charitable funds. It addressed the extent of investigation incumbent upon the new trustees concerning past financial activities and the application of funds in line with the charity’s constitutional objectives. The judgment also touched on the responsibilities of the charity’s Executive Council in financial oversight.

Appointment of a Receiver

The court outlined conditions under which it would be just and convenient to appoint a receiver, noting the act is considered an extraordinary intervention that must be justified by necessity or clear desirability in furtherance of the charity’s best interests.


The court determined that Mr. Safder Jaffer was eligible to stand for and was properly elected as President of the Charity, dismissing the claim for a declaration of ineligibility. It also concluded that the significant donations received from the Donor were properly applied according to the Charity’s objectives. Consequently, the court found no merit in appointing a receiver either to conduct the future Presidential election or investigate past donations managed by the Charity.


In “Dr. Mohamed H Jaffer v Safder Jaffer & Ors”, the High Court delivered a judgment that affirmed the proper discretion of charitable organizations in managing internal elections, as well as clarified the extent of the fiduciary duties pertaining to financial management. It highlighted the importance of adherence to constitutional and procedural rules while recognizing the practical realities and necessary discretion in the administration of charity affairs. The court’s decision to refrain from appointing a receiver reinforces the principle that the judiciary intervenes with a charity’s governance only where it is essential to protect the charity’s best interests and proper functioning. This ruling serves as a definitive guide on charity law and is likely to significantly impact future litigations and management practices within charitable entities in the UK.