Key Issue: Clarifying Contractual Interpretation, Implied Terms, and Good Faith Duties in Agency Agreement Termination Case

Citation: [2023] EWHC 3285 (Comm)
Judgment on


In the case of Aston Martin MENA Limited v Aston Martin Lagonda Limited, the English High Court was tasked with resolving several disputes arising from the termination of an agency agreement and addressing various issues concerning the duties and obligations contained within that agreement. The judgment, delivered by Dame Clare Moulder DBE, provides clarity concerning the principles of contractual interpretation, implied terms, good faith duties, and the right to terminate contracts.

Key Facts

The case relates to the termination of an agency agreement by Aston Martin MENA Limited (AMMENA), who appointed Aston Martin Lagonda Limited (AML) as its agent for the distribution of Aston Martin vehicles in the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey (the MENA region). Issues arose over alleged material breaches involving payment obligations and indemnities and whether AML’s termination and subsequent actions complied with good faith duties during the transition period before AMMENA resumed obligations under the Distribution Agreement.

Contractual Interpretation

The court underlined the importance of considering the contract as a whole and not just the isolated disputed clauses. By doing so, the intent of the parties could be ascertained by attributing to them the purposes which reasonable people in their situation would have had. Dame Clare Moulder applied the principles laid out in Wood v Capita Insurance Services Limited, emphasizing that the process of construction is an objective principle and that a judge must strike a balance between textualism and contextualism.

Implied Terms

The court reiterated the stringent standards required for the implication of terms into a contract, derived from Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Co (Jersey) Ltd. For a term to be implied, it must be necessary to give business efficacy to the contract. It must be so obvious that it goes without saying, capable of clear expression, and not contradict any express term of the contract.

Good Faith Duty

In addressing the good faith duty, the court relied upon previous authorities, such as Yam Seng Ptd Ltd v International Trade Corp Ltd, to establish that the good faith standard is objective and requires honesty and prohibition of behavior that would frustrate the purpose of the contract. However, in this case, it was clarified that the good faith duties under the agency agreement were not broadly construed but were linked specifically to the assisting of AMMENA with the transition of duties and structures developed under the agreement.


The court found as follows:

  • There was no obligation under the Agency Agreement to pay Manager Committed Minimum Profit (MCMP) for 2021 without an agreed Business Plan.
  • The termination of the Agency Agreement by AMMENA was valid due to AML’s breach of payment obligations.
  • AML did not breach any express duties of good faith during the Transition Period, nor did the implied duties extend to a general requirement to consider the interests of AMMENA.
  • On the counterclaim under the indemnity, AMMENA was not liable to indemnify AML for costs incurred following the termination of the appointment of dealers, specifically with HHA, since a settlement meant no termination occurred.
  • The precise scope of the duty of good faith was confined to the particular contractual context and did not extend to considerations beyond the direct purpose outlined in Clause 3.2.


The judgment in Aston Martin MENA Limited v Aston Martin Lagonda Limited carefully delineates the scope and boundaries of various contractual obligations, especially focusing on the precise conditions for implication of terms and the contextual boundaries of good faith duties. Importantly, the case underscores the necessity of clarity in drafting commercial contracts and the reticence of courts to imply expansive duties beyond the express terms and specific intentions of the parties.