Court of Protection Case Considers Procedural Fairness and Active Case Management: VT v NHS Cambridgeshire And Peterborough Integrated Care Board

Citation: [2024] EWHC 294 (Fam)
Judgment on


The case of VT v NHS Cambridgeshire And Peterborough Integrated Care Board, adjudicated in the Court of Protection, presents significant considerations in the management of welfare cases within UK law. The judgment, presided over by Mrs Justice Arbuthnot, grapples with the appropriateness of making final decisions at procedural hearings and the application of the underlying principles of active case management and procedural fairness within the Court of Protection.

Key Facts

The appellant, VT, a 78-year-old with a historic diagnosis of schizophrenia, was initially moved to residential care and deprived of her liberty under a standard authorisation. VT expressed a wish to return home, and during subsequent hearings, the cogency of evidence about her capacity and best interests was debated. Unexpectedly, at a directions hearing anticipated to be procedural, the Circuit Judge (CJ) made final decisions on VT’s capacity and the best interests requirement was met, based on submissions and without the anticipated section 49 report. These decisions were appealed by the Official Solicitor on VT’s behalf, supported by Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC).

The key legal principles discerned from the provided case law summary are:

  1. Active Case Management: The Court of Protection Rules 2017 establish the court’s obligation to manage cases actively, ensuring the avoidance of delay, minimisation of costs, and the allocation of appropriate court resources to each case. Cases are to be handled expeditiously, fairly, and proportionally to the nature of the issues at hand — [Court of Protection Rules 2017; Rules 3 and 5].

  2. Application of Civil Procedure Rules: The Court of Protection may apply Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) as necessary to further the overriding objective when not expressly provided for, which includes the potential invocation of summary judgment — [Court of Protection Rule 2.5].

  3. Procedural Fairness and Summary Power: The necessity for restraint in the exercise of summary power, the sufficiency and quality of the evidence required, as well as the procedural fairness towards the involved parties — [KD & Anor v London Borough of Havering; N v ACCG & Ors; and CB v Medway Council & Anor].

  4. Best Interests and Capacity to Make Decisions: The requirement for cogent evidence when determining an individual’s capacity and best interests, especially when their liberty is at stake — [Sýkora v The Czech Republic].


In the case at hand, Mrs Justice Arbuthnot allowed the appeal against the CJ’s final decisions made at the procedural hearing. The primary reasons were the absence of the section 49 report, the lack of cogent evidence to determine VT’s capacity, and the questionable fairness and appropriateness of the procedure followed by the CJ in arriving at these decisions. Additionally, the appeal highlighted the subsequent change in VT’s health condition, necessitating further consideration.


The appeal in VT v NHS Cambridgeshire And Peterborough Integrated Care Board serves as a crucial examination of the principles of active case management and procedural fairness within the context of the Court of Protection. The judgment clarifies that making final decisions at a case management hearing can only occur under the satisfaction of sufficient evidence and fairness in the process. It emphasizes the significance of judges exercising moderation in the summary disposition of cases, especially those affecting the liberty and welfare of individuals. For legal professionals, this case reaffirms the importance of ensuring that evidence is fully and thoroughly considered before a court makes determinative rulings concerning an individual’s capacity and best interests.