Key Issue: Determination of Defamatory Meaning and Differentiation Between Fact and Opinion in Tahir Alam v Guardian News and Media Limited Case

Citation: [2023] EWHC 2847 (KB)
Judgment on


In the case of Tahir Alam v Guardian News and Media Limited ([2023] EWHC 2847 (KB)), Mr Justice Griffiths delivered a judgment on a preliminary issue trial concerning an article published in the Observer. The core legal topics discussed pertained to the determination of the defamatory meaning, the differentiation between statements of fact and opinion, and the assessment of whether the article was defamatory at common law. This article aims to provide a structured analysis of the legal principles applied in this case and their direct link to the case summary provided.

Key Facts

The article in question, titled “The Trojan Horse Affair: how Serial podcast got it so wrong,” criticized a podcast series for its one-sided portrayal of the 2014 Birmingham schools controversy. Tahir Alam, the claimant, was featured prominently in the series and the article. The legal dispute revolved around the determination of the natural and ordinary meaning of the article, whether the article contained statements of fact or opinion, and whether, in its meaning, the article was defamatory of the claimant.

The court applied several established legal principles to determine the ordinary and natural meaning of the article:

  1. Reasonableness: Following Koutsogiannis v Random House Group Ltd [2020] 4 WLR 25, the hypothetical reasonable reader was considered not naïve nor unduly suspicious, with the ability to read between the lines and understand implications.

  2. Contextual Reading: According to Millett v Corbyn [2021] EMLR 19, the publication must be read as a whole, taking into account the context and mode of publication.

  3. Fact vs. Opinion Differentiation: The court recognized that distinguishing between fact and opinion depends on how the statement would strike the ordinary reasonable reader (Butt v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWCA Civ 933).

  4. Defamation at Common Law: It was conceded and accepted that the meaning identified was defamatory at common law, unfavorably impacting the claimant’s reputation.


The court established that the meaning of the article, as perceived by the reasonable reader, was defamatory, stating facts rather than opinions. The legal analysis led to the conclusion that the article targeted the claimant’s conduct as chair of an academy trust and his response to investigations by various bodies. The article’s assertions that the claimant allowed ultra-conservative Islamic views to influence education, enabled poor governance and a culture of intolerance, and unfoundedly claimed investigations were driven by Islamophobia were identified as defamatory statements of fact, thus rejecting the defendant’s argument that they were mere expressions of opinion.


In Tahir Alam v Guardian News and Media Limited, the court meticulously applied principles related to the interpretation of defamatory content, as set out in precedent, reiterating the importance of context, the distinction between fact and opinion, and the role of the hypothetical reasonable reader in determining the meaning of disputed statements. The judgment underscores the precise treatment required when assessing potential defamation within journalistic works and reaffirms the responsibilities of media outlets in their portrayal of individuals. This case provides clear guidance on how courts approach the assessment of alleged defamatory material and will serve as a reference for future defamation cases.