Case Law Analysis: Joinder of Parties and Limitation Act Application in Tendring District Council v Ling Highlights Procedural Complexity

Citation: [2023] EWCA Civ 1319
Judgment on


In the matter of Tendring District Council v Christopher Alfred Ling & Anor [2023] EWCA Civ 1319, the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) faced complex procedural issues alongside the substantive question of joint liability for repayment of housing benefit. This case raised multi-faceted legal principles related to the joinder of parties, statutory demand enforcement and considerations under the Limitation Act 1980.

Key Facts

The case originates from an overpayment of approximately £67,000 in housing benefits by Tendring District Council to Mr. Ling between 2000 and 2012. A statutory demand was issued for the repayment of the funds. The core dispute concerns whether this demand created joint liability for Mr. Ling and his wife, Mrs. Ling. The procedural history of the case saw it traverse multiple First Tier Tribunals (FTT) and Upper Tribunals (UT) primarily due to tribunal service delays. Mr. Ling was represented by Mrs. Ling as his litigation friend due to his deteriorating health.

Joinder of Parties under CPR 19.2(2)

The procedural focus lay on the joinder of Mrs. Ling as a party under Civil Procedure Rule (CPR) 19.2(2), which allows the court to add a person as a new party if desired to resolve all matters in dispute or an issue involving the new party is connected to the dispute. This notion was supported by reference to Dunlop Haywards (DHL) Ltd v Erinaceous Insurance Services Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 354, emphasizing the importance of a complete resolution of connected issues within a simultaneous litigation context.

Application of Limitation Principles

Significantly, the court contemplated the application of CPR Rule 19.6, which is concerned with changes to parties after a relevant limitation period under the Limitation Act 1980. The central question revolved around whether the addition of Mrs. Ling was ‘necessary’. The court assessed the ‘necessity’ under Rule 19.6(3)(b), which indicates that an addition of a party during the limitation period is essential if the litigation cannot properly proceed without them.

Limitation Act 1980

The court’s analysis also involved the Limitation Act 1980, specifically section 9 concerning statutory limitation periods for recoverable sums. As the initial statutory demand had been made over six years prior, the ordinary limitation period had expired, thrusting Rule 19.6 into relevance.


Lord Justice Coulson’s decision hinged on interpreting the necessity of Mrs. Ling’s formal inclusion to ensure the appeal’s substance could be fully argued and concluded that enforcement could be effectively carried out if Tendring was successful. Mrs. Ling was, therefore, joined as a respondant. Additionally, the importance of resolving potential conflicts of interest resulting from Mrs. Ling’s dual role as a litigant friend to her husband was highlighted, urging co-operation with the Official Solicitor.


This case serves as an instructive precedent on procedural correctness, especially concerning party joinder and the application of the Limitation Act in civil appeals. Where there has been substantial and substantive involvement of an individual in a case, the courts appear inclined to permit joinder to ensure just enforcement of its orders. The ruling underscores the need to resolve all matters in dispute effectively and aligns with the aims of the overriding objective for fair, efficient, and holistic justice administration.