Court of Appeal Analyzes Application of Loss of Control Defense in Murder Case, Impacts Sentencing Decisions

Citation: [2023] EWCA Crim 1454
Judgment on


The decision rendered by the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) in the case of Jaden Drake & Anor v R provides an instructive example of the application of the partial defense of loss of control under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009, the principles guiding evaluations of evidence in such cases, and the sentencing considerations for murder in the context of drug dealing where the death was caused by a knife found at the scene. This case analysis will dissect the key legal principles and outcomes of the case, connecting them to the relevant parts of the case summary provided.

Key Facts

Jaden Drake and Igors Andersons were convicted of murder following a fatal stabbing incident involving the victim, Christian Patru. The prosecution argued joint responsibility for the death based on a plan to seriously harm Patru, which emerged from a context of drug dealing. The appellants, however, painted Patru as the aggressor and contended that the fatal stab wounds occurred during a struggle over a knife originally wielded by Patru. The central legal debates revolved around the defenses of self-defense, loss of control, and decisions regarding sentencing in relation to whether a knife was brought to the crime scene.

Partial Defense of Loss of Control

This case has hinged on the statutory interpretation of the partial defense of loss of control under sections 54 and 55 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. The Court meticulously applied the established three-part test to determine whether the defense should be left to the jury:

  1. Did the defendant’s actions result from his loss of self-control?
  2. Did the loss of self-control have a qualifying trigger?
  3. Could a person of the defendant’s sex and age, with normal degrees of tolerance and self-restraint, have reacted similarly in the circumstances?

The Court underscored the higher evaluative threshold set by the legislation compared to the old common law of provocation, mandating a rigorous assessment of the evidence.

Evaluation of Evidence

The Court’s analysis centered on whether the trial judge properly evaluated the evidence to decide if the issue of loss of control should reach the jury. Referring to R v Goodwin, the Court recognized the sequential and separate assessment of the statutory elements and stressed the trial judge’s gatekeeper role rather than as a fact-finder. The Court agreed that there was no sufficient evidence from the appellants to assert loss of control significantly, due to deliberate and rational actions taken during the incident, such as picking up the knife to prevent further attacks.

Sentencing Considerations

In sentencing, the Court gave due consideration to Schedule 21 of the Sentencing Act 2020. Particularly pertinent was whether the knife was brought to the scene with the intent to commit an offence, which influences the starting point for establishing the sentence. The Court addressed the judge’s findings and ultimately disagreed with the conclusion that the knife was brought to the scene, thus altering the starting point and the resultant sentence.


The Court did not concede the appeal against conviction, holding firm on its interpretation that the defense of loss of control does not extend to the appellant’s circumstances. However, it allowed the appeals against the sentence after concluding that the trial judge incorrectly identified the knife as having been brought to the scene by the appellants. This finding significantly impacted the re-evaluation of the sentence, ultimately leading to a reduction in the minimum terms for both appellants.


The Court of Appeal’s judgment in this case encapsulates a critical examination of the statutory defense of loss of control and a stringent approach to evidence evaluation. As demonstrated, the proper application of legal principles can lead to material consequences in both the determination of a criminal charge and the severity of the sentence. The case serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between factual circumstances, legislative stipulations, and judicial interpretation within UK criminal law practice. For legal professionals, this case emphasizes the importance of preparing a robust evidential basis for the defense and understanding the intricate mechanics of sentencing guidelines.