Supreme Court rules on discharge provisions for mentally disordered patients in Northern Ireland.

Citation: [2024] UKSC 7
Judgment on


The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom rendered a significant judgment regarding the provisions governing the discharge of mentally disordered patients who are compulsorily detained for treatment within hospital settings. The case, pertaining to Northern Ireland legislation, revolved around the interpretation of statutory schemes in comparison to similar frameworks in England and Wales. The central legal issue was the interplay between provisions for discharge from hospital under the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 and the use of leave of absence as a means of transitioning patients from secure hospital conditions to eventual discharge.

Key Facts

The case involved RM, a restricted patient with a mental disorder, who was detained under the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986. RM had been admitted to a hospital and was found to have completed all possible medical work in that hospital setting. A plan was put in place for him to be transferred to a community setting under Article 15 leave of absence, which would allow RM to continue receiving medical supervision and treatment outside the hospital. However, RM’s application for discharge from hospital detention was refused by a review tribunal on the basis that his mental disorder still warranted hospital detention for treatment.

The Supreme Court’s analysis centered on several key legal principles:

  1. Necessity Test for Detention: The Court rejected the notion that different thresholds for compulsory detention apply under Northern Ireland and England & Wales legislation, determining that both legislative schemes employ a necessity test for hospital detention for treatment.

  2. Article 15 Leave of Absence Consistency: The Court held that a grant of leave of absence under Article 15 does not inherently conflict with the necessary continued detention of a patient for treatment, debunking the argument that planned leave of absence automatically negates the grounds for hospital detention.

  3. Holistic Assessment for Discharge: The Court underscored that review tribunals must adopt a holistic approach when assessing ongoing medical treatment, considering the least restrictive means of providing necessary treatment, which may include Article 15 leave as part of a continuous treatment program.

  4. Connection to Hospital While on Leave: The Court clarified that even when a patient is on leave, they still have a hospital at which they are detained, emphasizing that Article 15 leave maintains sufficient connection to hospital detention.

  5. Invalidation of ‘Significant Component’ Test: The Court deemed the ‘significant component’ test—which had been used to ensure that some part of a patient’s treatment occurred in a hospital setting—as unnecessary and arbitrary, thus not to be relied upon moving forward.


The Supreme Court allowed the appeal, reinstating the decision of the review tribunal which had concluded that RM’s severe mental impairment continued to warrant his hospital detention for medical treatment, notwithstanding the responsible medical officer’s decision that RM should reside in a community setting on Article 15 leave.


The judgment affirms the necessity test as the consistent threshold for detention for treatment across both Northern Ireland and England & Wales. Furthermore, it recognizes the flexibility of Article 15 leave as a significant component of the rehabilitative process without compromising the legal requirements for detention. This recognition maintains the protective balance between individual liberties and public safety. The Court’s rejection of the ‘significant component’ test promotes a more pragmatic approach to patient rehabilitation for legal practitioners to consider in future cases.